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10 Best Ayahuasca Retreats in Europe - Updated 2024

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For deeper insights into what makes up a safe and quality plant medicine retreat, check out the results from our recent plant medicine retreats survey.

1. If you’d like a holistic understanding of your opportunities to improve your quality of life, take this self-diagnostic.

2. If this is your first time with Ayahuasca, this short quiz will help you assess your level of mental, emotional, and spiritual readiness for this powerful and sensitive work.

3. If you’d like to understand more about the nature of psychedelic healing work, human potential, and who and what you really are, watch the video below.



Like most things in life, there are a broad variety of Ayahuasca retreat options, and a number of factors that effect the safety, quality, and cost of an ayahuasca retreat:

  1. Safety First: Unfortunately, many small retreat centers are not in a position to make meaningful investments into screening and safety. Even if you're fine, someone else on retreat might not be, which can affect the overall experience. Our recommendation is to choose a retreat provider that does in-depth conversational, medical, and psychological screening to protect your safety and well-being.
  2. Legality: Experienced practitioners who have dedicated their lives to plant medicine typically live in locations where the work is legal, so they don't have to live in a state of uncertainty about their work Our recommendation is to travel to legal locations where you can benefit from legitimate healers who operate above the radar, so you can truly relax on retreat.
  3. Size of the group: It's common for retreats to have 20, 50, even 100 people in ceremony, which can be chaotic to say the least. In such large groups you are less likely to receive a sufficient level of attention from the facilitators. Our recommendation is to choose a retreat with an intimate group, in the range of 8-15 people.
  4. Length of the retreat: Shorter retreats feel rushed, do not support the cultivation of meaningful relationships, and can limit what can be achieved in time available. We recommend you spend at least a week for an ayahuasca retreat to give your mind, body, heart, and soul the attention it deserves.
  5. ‍‍Comfort: We recommend you choose a retreat where you are confident that you will be physically comfortable and have your own private bedroom to decompress and integrate, especially if this is your first time. Go for the full jungle mosquito immersion another time, your future self will thank you later.
  6. Alignment: Select a retreat that feels aligned with your values and allows your own subjective experience to unfold naturally. There are many different worldviews out there and having a different worldview pushed on you through the retreat may not be in your highest healing interests. This is also particularly relevant for first-timers.
  7. Holistic approach: Work with an organization that takes a holistic approach to working with plant medicine, and has options to support and guide your mental and emotional evolution alongside a retreat. If a provider implies that "medicine will solve all your problems", proceed with caution.
  8. Service: Select a retreat that you believe can meet your individual needs. Are you being treated as a human, or as participant #22 in their fourth retreat this month? Consider whether or not they've taken the time to get to know you and understand you, or it's more of a take it or leave it retreat center.
  9. Booking process: Take the time to speak with the provider before finalizing your booking. If the provider does not have a screening process in place during the booking process anyone could be sitting next to you in ceremony. Some people are not in the right place to work with this powerful plant medicine, and it is the responsibility of the organizers to ensure that only people who can handle ayahuasca are accepted onto the retreat.
  10. Expertise: Find an organization that emphasizes healing, and you believe has the breadth and depth of expertise to guide your transformation. Look for facilitators and healers who have a lightness of being and a sparkle in their eyes. Healing work is all about the transmutation of energy, so you are looking for people who have the energy you aspire to. If they aren't able to keep their energy right, that tells you quite a bit about either where they are at and their capabilities.
  11. Reputation: At a minimum, Google the provider, you may be surprised by what you find. If there's not much information, that is also information. A reputable retreat center will have a professional online presence with testimonials from previous retreat attendees. This is essential for you to see that they are a legitimate organization who you can trust to contain this powerful experience.
  12. Volunteers: Please support ethical plant medicine work by selecting an organization that pay their team. Unfortunately, it is common practice for retreat centers to cycle through young, eager, and worn out volunteers and/or not pay healers fairly. If the people supporting your retreat aren't living their best lives , they're not going to be able to lead you to yours. Don't be shy to ask this question directly when you speak to prospective centers.


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Welcome to a revolution of consciousness.

Spiritual retreats are an excellent way to reconnect with yourself. The often life-changing experiences in Europe use ayahuasca, a psychedelic drink, to guide you through the journey. Ayahuasca retreats are serious adventures that can be emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually challenging. However, the potent psychedelic brew is long tested and trusted by shamans worldwide. Additionally, the guide at your side is there to ensure everything goes smoothly during your ayahuasca journey.

Every journey with the potent, naturally occurring blend is unique. You could share your experience with the same small group of people at multiple events. Each is incomparable to the other. To further your unparalleled pilgrimage, ayahuasca centers keep groups small to protect each retreat participant's privacy and enhance their venture. 

If you are not in a position to travel down to Iquitos or the Sacred Valley in the Andes of Peru you might want to join the thousands of people that travel in and throughout Europe to experience the amazing reconnective properties of intensive ayahuasca healing retreats. Although ayahuasca is illegal in many areas of the world, there are two countries in Europe that you can visit to experience the amazing inner journey—Spain and Portugal. Ayahuasca tourism is decriminalized in these countries. However, reputable retreat centres in The Netherlands still operate outside of the legal domain. 

Best Ayahuasca Retreat Europe

Below is a list of ayahuasca retreats in Europe. Given the changes in world travel over the past two years, we suggest that you contact the location to verify the available information hasn't changed. In addition, our Ayahuasca Retreat Europe / European Ayahuasca guide provides an extensive overview of everything you need to know about where to find the potent brew in Europe.

For more information on how to chose your ayahuasca retreat check out our COMPLETE GUIDE.

7 years of growth in 7 weeks with plant medicine |  Behold Retreats ayahuasca retreat europe

1. Behold Retreats Ayahuasca Retreat Europe (European Ayahuasca Retreat)

Behold offers personalized retreats to suit guests' individual goals and help facilitate the profound spiritual healing retreat they're seeking. These spiritual endeavors are available throughout Europe and are tailored to your group's needs. So whether you're looking for a several-day ayahuasca experience with luxurious surroundings or a few weeks camping in the coastal lowlands of Spain, Behold can make it happen. 

Guests of Behold Retreats can also choose between a variety of other entheogens, locations, and options, for example a small group ayahuasca retreat overlooking the jungle in Costa Rica, on the dutch country side with Psilocybin in the Netherlands or perhaps a culturally immersive encounter in the golden mountains of Mexico with 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo).

The retreats are held in European countries that are open to spiritual journeys with ancient blends developed by the indigenous people in the Amazon jungle. Behold Retreats works with expert practitioners of ayahuasca and other herbal ceremonies. The shamans and healers guide participants through each journey to help them achieve their spiritual awakening. 

Behold ensures each retreat is carefully crafted through pre-and post-retreat coaching sessions to prepare you for the experience of a lifetime. These digital interactions are proven to extend the benefits of your ayahuasca excursion. 

Behold Retreats work with all sacred medicine practitioners to go through an extensive screening process to ensure safety and medical protocols are exceeded by the chosen locations for your spiritual retreat.

Overlooking a cliff in Portugal | Behold Retreats ayahuasca retreat europe

2. Private Ayahuasca Retreat in Europe (Private Ayahuasca Retreat Europe)

Do you want to share these natural deep healing techniques with friends and family? Behold Retreats organizes private ayahuasca retreats. You choose the spiritual guide, guests, and location. Behold works with the master shaman, guides, and others, facilitating the journey to plan the ideal schedule for your grand awakening. 

Do you prefer a one-on-one experience with a master healer? Behold can help you build a sacred path to rediscover your true self through mindful lessons in spirituality. Combine ayahuasca, raṕe ceremonies, yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, and much more, depending on your needs. You can also schedule other Behold psychedelic retreats with psilocybin, San Pedro, and Bufo. 

All ceremonies held by this private retreat are presided over by an experienced healer, (master) shaman, or spiritual advisor and available in many countries worldwide, including a few in Europe. These plant-based journeys are immersed in nature and encourage private retreat participants to use various natural practices to achieve complete body and mind wellness, similar to those you would find on mindful yoga retreats. 

Private Ayahuasca Retreat in Europe I Ayahuasca Retreat Europe I Behold retreats

3. APL Journeys

APL Journeys retreat offers traditional Amazonian ceremonies with shamans from the Loreto region of Peru. The excursions are available in Peru and alternative locations worldwide, including several in areas of Spain, including Portugal. 

Each ayahuasca retreat Europe is six days and includes three ceremonies. There's a three-hour detailed discussion before the first ayahuasca ceremony to ensure you're ready for the encounter of a lifetime. Additionally, attendees take flower bathes to prepare for the ayahuasca ceremony. There are morning discussions about the experience to reflect your encounter with plant medicine better after the ceremonies. 

Another benefit of the spiritual expedition is a daily discussion in private with the master shaman. Along with ayahuasca ceremonies, you have access to Kambo sessions which involve the venom of a Phyllomedusa frog to strengthen the immune system. 

All APL Journeys are operated by Red Cross certified facilitators. Every odyssey includes daily meals and breathwork classes. Moreover, 15% of the proceeds the retreats earn go back to Peru to support the shamans' local communities.


4. Taita Inti

Taita Inti offers ayahuasca sessions around the world and throughout Europe, including Stockholm, Sweden. Shamanism is legal in the Nordic country. Shamans use ayahuasca and other sacred medicines (plant medicines) as part of their religious practice. These points put ayahuasca in a gray area in Sweden. 

A different location is rented in the Stockholm area for each retreat. All spaces share a connection with nature to set the atmosphere for the psychedelic quest. 

Taita Inti works with master shamans from Peru with decades of experience mixing the potent brew and guiding participants on their spiritual journey. Each ceremony occurs at night by candlelight to project visions. 

The candles are put out after every group member finishes their ayahuasca tea, including the shaman. The incredible inner journey lasts four to six hours, with some experiencing the effects of ayahuasca for up to eight hours. 

Each retreat includes vegetarian meals and accommodations. Group sizes are limited to 12 participants. 

5. Acsauhaya Retreat Netherlands

Take your next journey with the Acsauhaya Shamanic Retreat Center in the Netherlands, which sits in the middle of grasslands at the foot of a large nature reserve is the ideal location to reconnect with nature. 

The retreat works with a couple of master shamans from the Ucayali, Peru area. Maestro Donaldo Antonio Roque Cumapa comes from the community of Santa Clara in the Yarinacocha, Pucallpa region and is a member of the Shipibo-Conibo ethnic group. The 53-year-old spiritual leader has been studying sacred medicine (plant medicine) since he was 15 years old. He guides each ayahuasca ceremony using the "Songs for the Soul," an original Icaros that offers natural deep healing. 

Guests stay in a renovated dutch farmhouse where they wake each day by the sound of a dozen local bird varieties. In the summer, you can pick fresh fruits and nuts for breakfast and spend time lounging around the pool, taking in the beauty of the grasslands. On cold evenings, curl up inside by the woodstove.  

Each three or five-day spiritual awakening at the Ascauhaya Retreat in the Netherlands includes full accommodations, fresh vegetarian meals, two ayahuasca ceremonies, an integration toolkit, and private and group sharing circles the day after each experience.


6. Lighthouse Retreats

Lighthouse Retreats is located in Portugal, Spain's famed Douro Valley, which is part of the country's wine region. In addition to its famous vineyards, the Douro Wine Region is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The location is 50km east of Porto, Spain's largest city. 

Ceremonies are English and Dutch languages and include other activities, such as yoga and guided meditation. The spiritual team has a long bond that's been working together for many years. Together they've safely guided thousands of guests through these unforgettable trips.

The retreat uses the mother plants, including ayahuasca, acacia, and Jurema. On the grounds, guests get amazing views of the valley. The property is sprinkled with spiritual activities to help induce a calming effect for participants. Enjoy over 35 fruit trees spread across the grounds, such as orange, pear, lemon, plum, pomegranate, chestnut, and many more. Additionally, the retreat has a vineyard, three water springs, including a spring water pool. 

Ayahuasca might be limited to its location in the Netherlands. Participants should contact them to verify. 

7. Love Heal Forgive

Love Heal Forgive provides ayahuasca and Huachuca retreats in Portugal. It offers four-day retreats to reconnect people spiritually with nature and each other through healing and medicine ceremonies. Each session includes two ayahuasca ceremonies that start after dark. Additionally, participants can experience shamanic journeys, yoga, nature walks, and spiritual crafts. Spiritual dances are typical when an indigenous shaman performs the ceremony. Standard sequences include Santo Daime, which accompanies the ayahuasca tea.

Love Heal Forgive's shaman recommends a diet to prepare for their ayahuasca vine experience. The traditional ayahuasca diet requires abstaining from some foods, drinks, and activities. You can read more about this in our ayahuasca guide HERE. 

The retreat centre is in a secluded area within walking distance of a white sandy beach and gorgeous lagoons with waterfalls where guests can enjoy the solitude and the cleansing fresh water. Also, individuals are welcome to soak up the sun around the pool and participate in guided meditation. 

All ayahuasca excursions include food and accommodations.


8. Sinchi Runa

One of the most notable retreats in Europe is Sinchi Runa. A quick look at the ayahuasca reviews shows guests searching for spiritual guidance in Portugal with the Sinchi Runa Retreat. The organization offers 8-and 23-day adventures with medicinal plants. 

Each sacred experience is limited to 12 individuals. The ayahuasca ceremonies are lead by Maestro Sanango, a healer from Tarapoto, Peru, with many years of practice guiding people through the ancient healing pilgrimages. He's spent years perfecting powerful journeys with the potent ayahuasca tea to offer more clarity to the participant's mystical travels. 

The shaman brings properly cultivated psychedelic plants from Peru. The country in South America is home to the popular spiritual journeys with ayahuasca vines. The ceremonies begin with a flower bath to prepare the participants for their journeys of the mind. Each ayahuasca yoga holiday includes a purge ceremony, guided meditations, discursive talks on shamanism, sharing circles, and private retreat consultations with the shaman to expand your spiritual experience.

All excursions come with private accommodations, daily homemade organic meals, and an English/Spanish translator. 

9. Amoraleza

Consider Amoraleza for a yoga retreat with spiritual experience and development through ayahuasca. Founded in 2007, the family-run organization operates the mother ayahuasca journeys for people from around the world in Spain. These adventurous safaris connect participants to nature through the potent and life-changing plant. The family guides people through Brazillian-style shamanic ceremonies that include live music, rapé, and Sanaga healing eye drops with every ceremony. 

Each retreat is three days from May to September. Guests need to follow a special diet for a minimum of three days before traveling to their venture. This body and mind detoxification improves the sacred plant experience. The ceremonies start with a sharing circle and finish each three-day session with an integration circle. Participants stay in one of several cozy enclosures during the retreat, such as a Morrocan yurt, a traditional Mongolian yurt, a bamboo cabin, and a bell tent. Every journey includes accommodations and nutritious homemade meals. 


Still need some help choosing an Ayahuasca retreat?

We would be honored to guide you in choosing the best retreat for your needs. Behold Retreats coordinates expertly guided retreats with Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, and 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo Alvarius) with highly experienced facilitators. Reach out to us to set up a complimentary discovery call and we can point you in the right direction.


Read further...

5-MeO-DMT in Tepoztlan, Mexico

Ayahuasca in Costa Rica

Psilocybin in the Netherlands

5-MeO-DMT in Portugal

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