Like most things in life, there are a broad variety of Ayahuasca retreat options, and a number of factors that effect the safety, quality, and cost of an ayahuasca retreat:

Company transformations.

We consult purpose-driven organizations to achieve exponential good. 

Once a business has achieved energetic alignment throughout its ecosystem, exponential growth is the natural result. With a bold vision for a better future, a motivated collective, and the interconnectivity and technology we have at hand today, scaling good ideas has never been easier.

Yet many businesses are struggling, overwhelmed by the requirement to grow and adapt amidst the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of today’s business environment.

If you have a big idea and great people, but are missing a viable plan for exponential growth, then the underlying issue lies within the borders of your organization, and we can help.

Based upon our conversations together, we will design a consulting engagement to fit the needs of your organization, and outline a clear path to realize your vision and exponential growth.
Request a Complimentary Discovery Call

Transform your organization for exponential good

Transform your business from 

To an organization that has

A big Idea
Decorative image of down-pointing arrow.
A bold vision that motivates employees and differentiates you in-market
Doing a lot
Image of an icon of a down arrow
Agreed plan to only do that which provides exponential value, do them well
Constant realignment through hierarchy
Decorative image of down-pointing arrow.
Energetic alignment, agreement to and tracking against outcomes, autonomy
Interpersonal issues
Image of an icon of a down arrow
Individual growth, one team, one dream
A big idea
Decorative image of side pointing arrow.
A bold vision that motivates employees and differentiates you in-market
Doing a lot
Decorative image of side pointing arrow.
Agreed plan to only do that which provides exponential value, do them well
Constant realignment through hierarchy
Decorative image of side pointing arrow.
Energetic alignment, agreement to and tracking against outcomes, autonomy
Interpersonal issues
Decorative image of side pointing arrow.
Individual growth, one team, one dream
Our approach includes:
Confirm a bold vision
Fine-tuning your vision for a better future (minimum 10x today’s status quo).
Alignment & Autonomy
Alignment of your organization for massive execution, ensuring individual autonomy.
Exponential Thinking
Application of leading consulting frameworks to identify and unlock exponential value levers.
Consciousness Development
Guidance for team-members to accelerate their individual consciousness development.
Remove blockages
Identification of and release of energetic blockages constraining growth, looking outside-in.
Foundation for self-sufficiency
Resources to do further visioning, refinement and calibration yourselves.

Plant medicine is a proven and powerful accelerator, but not a requirement for our consulting work. For those organizations who do choose to incorporate plant medicine, we interview each participant to ensure there is no pressure to participate, and support organization-wide integration post-retreat.

Behold consulting engagements begin from $200k USD.

If you intuit that Behold Retreats can advise you on achieving your highest ambitions, let’s connect, calibrate, and release the exponential within your organization.

Let's bring a brighter future forward together.

Request a Complimentary Discovery Call

"Our intuition about the future is linear. But the reality of information technology is exponential, and that makes a profound difference. If I take 30 steps linearly, I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially, I get to a billion."

- Ray Kurzweil
We consult purpose-driven organizations to achieve exponential results.
Release the exponential leader within you.
Heal, grow, and transcend the mind to release the exponential within you.